So I posted a little teaser awhile back, a picture of our home-grown production studio in the front room of our house. Jack put it all together for me, since I have absolutely no expertise in sound or video making, and I’m so thankful. After adjusting lights and levels and edits and sending the whole thing into where it needed to go, we both breathed a huge sigh of relief knowing that one day we would look back and laugh at how we “faked it” the first time I made a video.

Even funnier than the actual setup was what you didn’t see… the (almost) sleeping 3-week-old baby just beyond view, my bare feet sweating from the 2 pairs of Spanx I wrestled myself into after just birthing that baby, the teleprompter we rigged with an iPad on top of a music stand on top of a Rubbermaid tub, the microphone hidden in my extra-big hair, and the clock ticking down before we had to pick up the big kids from school.
Livin’ the dream, baby.
But it is my dream, just like your dream is yours, and nobody is going to work as hard for that dream as you will.
If I hadn’t had a deadline, I probably wouldn’t have done it. Isn’t that true of most things? But since I did have a deadline, I sucked it up (literally, into my Spanx) and put it all together. I’m proud to announce I submitted my finished product with at least half an hour to spare. #winning
I’ve been excited to spill the beans so here it is!
The video I filmed is part of an online marriage conference: the Fulfilling Your Vows Virtual Christian Marriage Summit!
I heard about this conference and was excited to check it out – it’s an incredible lineup of experts in the fields of:
- Communication
- Intimacy
- Finances
- Faith
- Parenting
- Restoration
…all as they apply to our marriages and families.
As I looked through the topics, which are full of great tools and resources and practical use-it-now info for every aspect of our lives, I had the thought that a helpful class to add might be “how to pull it all back together once it’s gone to pot.” Or some more eloquent title, but you get the point.
So, I submitted a quick selfie phone camera video to the founders with an idea and long story short, I’m now part of the Marriage Restoration field of the conference!
The Summit is four days of game-changing, faith-based, real-deal classes online, from 26 expert speakers with 415 combined years of marriage. It runs Monday, February 4 through Friday, February 8. (My class kicks off the day on Thursday, 2/7 at 8 AM Central, so set your alarm and grab your coffee!)
Each teacher is offering a downloadable tool exclusive to their class. I can’t wait for you to see mine!
What I love most about this Summit is that it’s a safe, toe-in-the-water toolbox for anyone who knows they need a little help but feels too scared to ask. For couples who want to give their marriage a little TLC but don’t know where to start. For anyone who would like to grow in these areas but has felt some resistance from their spouse. And of course it’s perfect for thriving couples who simply want a little boost.
The best part? It’s FREE. Seriously. You can register here.

Please join me in praying for the marriages of all those participating, and of course please feel free to send this information to anyone you know who might be blessed by the opportunity.
Looking forward to learning and growing together!