March 7


In the weeds?

By Jessica Allen

March 7, 2023

It’s been a week where I feel a little buried under the needs of all the people who live in this house. It’s easy to get a little lost, to forget my confidence, to listen to the noisy words of the world (you’re falling short) instead of the quiet whisper from the Divine (you’re exactly enough).

Sending extra love to anyone else feeling a little lost in the weeds. Keep going. Your work is important. You matter, and you’re more than enough. ⁣

HP, J ❤️🌿

Jessica Allen

About the author

Jessica is a writer, musician, entrepreneur, wife, and mom. Jessica's mission is to write "real" - shining light into the dark places of the tough stuff we all experience. She and her husband Jack live in Houston, Texas and have weathered the storms of grief, infant loss, adoption, and a marriage that almost fell apart. Jessica and Jack have four children: LJ in heaven, Grace, Jackson, and Elisha.

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