February 7


Create your Marriage and Family Mission Statement

By Jessica Allen

February 7, 2019


If you’re aiming for nothing, you’ll hit it – every time.

We set goals for our work, our weight, our grades, our money, and our parenting every day. So why don’t we set meaningful goals for our marriages and families themselves?

Because these aren’t the most tangible goals, most of the time. We can say “I want a better marriage,” but what does that even mean? What do you want to make better?

When we’re strong and united, and willing to be used for God’s purpose, our marriages and families will shape the next generation, and the one after that. This stuff matters!

So what better motivation to create a Marriage and Family Mission Statement?!

This sounds like a daunting task but it’s easy and fun.  And it will change the way you live your life.  When you have a mission statement, it gives you a target to aim for.  It gives you a standard by which to measure your progress.  It gives you a framework for how to treat one another, and a way to get back on track if things stray off the path.  A mission statement can become a code of ethics for children and teens.  And it WILL become a source of pride, identity, and belonging for every member of your family. 

I challenge you to make this a fun family date night activity.  I’ve included a free printable guide HERE.  The instructions are right there on the page. Print a copy for each member of your family – even children can understand and participate!  Ours are 9 and 7 and love taking ownership over their ideas and wishes.  The newborn gets a free pass but what we decide together as a family will benefit his whole life too! 

You’ll arrive at some values of great depth – like faith, community impact, service, and honesty – and you’ll arrive at some ideas that are just sweet and fun, like family breakfast for dinner night or morning coffee club (those are both ours). 

Everyone gets to contribute and everyone’s voice gets to be heard.  So definitely give the Family Mission Statement a whirl.  I think you’ll have fun with it. 

You can do this same exercise as a couple just for your marriage.  What matters most to each spouse?  What do you want to promise to each other? 

This would be a great opportunity to journal or brain dump.  What made you fall in love with your spouse?  What are the best parts of you that you offer your spouse?  What makes you unique as individuals and as a couple?  These are just a few ideas to get you started.

You don’t have to have a dramatic story to make a meaningful mission statement – you just have to have a powerful love story!  Which you do! 

Happy creating!



Do you know a couple or a family that would love this tool? Send them the link!

Jessica Allen

About the author

Jessica is a writer, musician, entrepreneur, wife, and mom. Jessica's mission is to write "real" - shining light into the dark places of the tough stuff we all experience. She and her husband Jack live in Houston, Texas and have weathered the storms of grief, infant loss, adoption, and a marriage that almost fell apart. Jessica and Jack have four children: LJ in heaven, Grace, Jackson, and Elisha.

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