September 7


When you’re at the end of yourself

By Jessica Allen

September 7, 2022

Sometimes there is nothing left to do but cry… and pray… and believe… that if we are still breathing, God is still beside us, and within us, and is simply not yet finished with whatever mysterious miracle is still to come.

Scream if you need to, and let the tears fall. Rest. Keep believing. Tomorrow is a new day.

HP, J ❤

Jessica Allen

About the author

Jessica is a writer, musician, entrepreneur, wife, and mom. Jessica's mission is to write "real" - shining light into the dark places of the tough stuff we all experience. She and her husband Jack live in Houston, Texas and have weathered the storms of grief, infant loss, adoption, and a marriage that almost fell apart. Jessica and Jack have four children: LJ in heaven, Grace, Jackson, and Elisha.

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